EDM (Ettifos Diagnostic Monitoring)
5G-V2X sidelink (PC5) log, report, and analysis SW tool
EDM provides the following features:
5G-V2X sidelink (PC5) PHY logs and analysis
5G-V2X sidelink (PC5) layer 2 protocol stack logs and analysis
Real-time 5G-V2X sidelink Tx and Rx reports
Various graph UIs for 5G-V2X performance analysis

Diagnostic monitoring software tool
Gather and monitor communication-related data
Provides real-time 5G-V2X sidelink Tx and Rx reports
Undertake 5G-V2X performance analysis
Troubleshoot for 5G-V2X application or service development
Use data to improve 5G-V2X applications or services
Gather and monitor communication-related data transmitted and received through SIRIUS
When a problem arises as you run your 5G-V2X application or service, EDM will provide you with all the necessary information to find its cause. Likewise, you can use the information gathered in EDM to improve your application or service.
LTE-V2X vs 5G-V2X?
With 5G, expected changes include ultra low latency, higher throughput and more stable communication, enabling advanced use cases for autonomous vehicles.

Ease of use
Simple-to-follow user guide provided by
Ettifos will allow you to start
monitoring and analyzing 5G-V2X sidelink
sooner rather than later

Almost every graph, log, and window is customizable to suit your preferences on a
technical and aesthetic level

Monitor 5G-V2X sidelink (PC5) with real-time
Tx and Rx throughput update reports reflecting throughput value of several layers (e.g. MAC, PHY, SDAP,PDCP, RLC, etc.)